Thursday, 19 December 2013

Task 11- Poster survey

The poster above received 13/25 votes and came in first place.

 In the survey we had asked 25 people of the age range of 16-19 (Expected target audience) to tick the poster that they found more interesting and that they would be intrigued to buy the album from.

The majority of the people had chosen Poster 1 and in second was poster 4. This shows that our target audience finds it more intriguing with coloured posters as the 2 black and white posters had 1 vote each.
The layout for each poster was very similar; the differences were the photos and their colour scheme.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Task 11- Print artefacts - Album posters

These are the possible album cover that we will use, we will create a questionnaire and ask people which album poster they think looks the best, this will be the one that we will use as our final album poster.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Task 11 - Album Cover photoshoot


We decided to use a photography studio to take photographs for the album cover. We wanted to use this so that we could use lighting that would make our cover look more professional. To create these we had to work out how much light we needed when it flashed from the two lights either side of her. We found that lighting worked best when she faced towards the soft box light which diffuses light more evenly and on a lower setting.
As the backdrop is blue we might edit these so that they are black and white, this will enable us to enhance the shadows when editing and it also looks a lot more elegant. I think that photographs often work better when they are simple.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Filming session 5

We thought that our music video still lacked miming shots so decided to film in a new location inside the girls house in her bedroom, here we filmed the singer miming and also filmed her writing lyrics to the song she is singing, like going back to when she started writing the song and singing it to herself. Many of our shots are outside so we thought it was appropriate to film actually in her home as this is the title of the song. We were originally going to associate 'Home' with a someone who she loved but we preferred the idea of associating 'Home' with her actual home and doing something she loves and is passionate about, singing and song writing,
We did face some issues with the lighting here and found that some shots turned out over exposed due the light being in front of the camera.

Acting Session 5

The last shots we filmed were at my house to get an atmosphere of being stuck. The shot taken were of me looking out of the window creating a solum atmosphere.
The other shots were of me writing out the lyrics with the guitar to show the progression and creation of the song to give it meaning for the audience to experience.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Filming session 4

In filming session 2 we tried to get shots of the singer outside in a natural environment which would represent her 'home' but found that some of the shots were very over exposed and the environment wasn't as nice as we wanted so we arranged to film by a lake instead to represent this element to the music video. The location was perfect for what we want and we were lucky as we filmed just as the sun was setting so we managed to get some really nice lighting.
At the moment we don't have many shots of the singer actually miming so this was the main focus for this filming session, we also accompanied these shots with a guitar as a guitar is played in the song.  

Filming location 4

In the fourth session we decided that it would be useful to have some lip syncing shots for the performance shots. Our choice of location was in the area of Stonydelph near the lakes (which can be seen on the map). This was done in hopes achieving an effect that this kind of location is what the singer is singing about.

Acting Session 4

These shots were taken at a lake. These were taken at about 4 which was when its started to get dark which gave us a change to get a change from light to dark and got some shots of a sunset over the trees.
In these shots I am lip syncing whilst looking out over the lake.
I also had to hold a guitar to try get the strumming of the beginning of the song.
Other shots had been taken with my lip syncing or looking out over the lake.
These were to get the audience to see the longing in the girl to be free as we have her singing here to show that this is where she wants to be.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Filming session 3

For this filming session we traveled to Birmingham city centre to film the girl in a busy city environment. These shots also contrast to the ones that we took in filming session 2 where we filmed her in more picturesque settings that she associates with her home.  We tried to get a range of shots of her walking through crowds and looking out of the city as though she's wishing to return home.
We spent the day in Birmingham trying to find suitable locations for the music video so we filmed near the bullring where there are crowds of people and we also came across a garden balcony on top of the Birmingham Library where he filmed the girl looking out to the entire city.
We didn't face many issues during this filming session and we thought that many of the shots worked well, but we think we should have been more prepared and planned where we were going to film in more detail so we had a clearer idea of what we were going to do whilst we were there. 

Filming location 3

For the third session of our filming we decided to travel to the city of Birmingham. This is a very busy place, especially in the part where we filmed i.e. the shopping centre. The idea was to get some shots of the ‘actress’ within the busy environment she wants to get way from. The main shots we hoped to get were of her surrounded by crowds of people and looking down at the large buildings from the library building to stress just how busy the city is.

Acting Session 3

These shots were taken in birmingham. The were all of me walking around birmingham, these were to get a new location of a busy city landscape and to show a progression and contrast with the natural shots. The variety of shots were all taken in different locations around birmingham and the last shot we filmed was from a height to show me looking down on the city.
The other shots were of me looking off camera and standing or walking.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Filming session 2

We decided to film flowers, other plants and trees to portray the happiness of the girl whilst at 'home'. This is represented by the bright shots with vibrant flowers and blue skies. The shots of the flowers were hand-held which produces a certain natural atmosphere, it also interlinks with the wind blowing. There are a lot of close ups of the daisies and other flowers which will make the video look “arty”. These close ups also emphasise the beauty of them.  We managed to create a large depth of field with these shots to make the flowers stand out more and we also experimented with blurring our the flowers and then refocusing. This effect is quite interesting and goes well with the atmosphere of the song.

 During this filming session we also tried to get shots of the girl outside in a natural environment which will contrast the the shots of the city that we we will be doing soon. However, we think that some of these shots of the girl are a bit boring and we need a better location, some of the shots also turned out a bit over exposed. 

Filming location 2

This session underwent during our collage time. Behind the building there is a large grassy area (as seen on the map). After some consideration we decided that the persona from the song longs for a life outside the busy city she is confided in. This filming session contrasts quite strongly with all the others as the main focus of it was to shoot some flowers to capture the essence of nature and freedom.

Acting Session 2

We decided to film outside the school grounds as we wanted to get a few naturalistic shots of flowers but we also got a few low angle shots of me from the back on a fence. These shots were to get a more natural, simplistic and calm shots.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Filming session 1

Train station

In this filming session we filmed at Tamworth train station, we got shots of the girl waiting at the train station as though she's making her way 'home', so this location was appropriate. There are a lot of shots of her just waiting, which correlates to the fact that she's been waiting for a long time to return to the place that she calls home.
We filmed all around the station in as many locations to get a range of shots. We started filming in the daylight but found that the shots that we took when it was darker were more effective as we were able to blur the lights but we will use both in the music video to show a passing of time. A lot of these shots were medium close ups and we might need to return to get a wider range of camera angles such as extreme long shots. 

Filming location 1

The first filming session was done at the Tamworth train station. We thought this would be a suitable location for our music video as we interpreted the lyrics as someone trying to find themselves. This developed into an idea that the ‘actor’ in the video should travel around while trying to decide where their ‘home’ may be and what the word means to them.

The first location can be seen on the map above while some of the shots taken during the session are shown below.

Acting Sessions 1

In the film I was performing the protagonist who can be seen in most shots at the train station. We did this as we wanted to portray a journey in the filming which the trains imply. The first shots filmed were of me looking around the train station in the light as it being mid day.
A few shots filmed were of me looking a train as they passed me, me looking at the incoming train sign and some low shots of my arm and body of trains passing. We also did a few shots of me walking upstairs and sitting. We filmed a few low shots of my feet walking.
Being filmed was very interesting but could be quite overwhelming when people walked past and stared. I felt that I was a very good protagonist and singer while filming as I had a very convincing saddened look while it being cold I was also kept myself close enhancing the saddened look.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Experiment 3

These are other example of us experimenting with camera angles and shots.



By Emily, Lana and Renya

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Experiment 2

In this short clip we tried to experiment with close ups of a piano. In this clip we have made many errors such as; the camera not being tilted enough and the hands are out of focus. Knowing this in our next trial we shall correct these mistakes. We shall try positioning the camera vertically instead of horizontally to avoid cropping out parts of the hands.

By Lana, Emily and Renya.

Experiment 1

We have filmed this short clip to attempt to achieve blurred focus that we will later use in our product to create a romantic atmosphere. We will improve this skill overtime to create a focus pull.

Posted by Emily, Lana and Renya

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Task10: production schedule

The production schedule

Our production schedule was used to give us a clear idea of what we wished to produce as well as allowed us to use our time productively. Although we only used the original storyboard as vague guidance, the planned shots made us much more organized and focused as a group.

Task 10: Production Schedule

Scenes to be filmed
Date and time
Who is required
Props and costumes
Role allocation for the scenes
Looking and standing around 
Train station
Casual wear
Waiting for train
Train staion
Casual Wear
Waiting for train
Train station 

Casual wear

Lip syncing
Lana’s house
Causal wear
August/ September
School grounds
School grounds
Emily (Filming)
Lip syncing
Emily (Filming)
Casual wear
Wallking, and looking around shots

All day
Casual wear