Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Task 3 - Basic Ideas

     Our music video will be based on the song 'Home' by Gabrielle Aplin, we have analysed the song lyrics and developed our ideas through mind mapping and discussing ideas within the group. Here is a basic idea for our music video:

The music video will be about a girl who is missing a place where she once lived and a person who she loves but she is now in a place where she doesn't fit in and her only wish is to be back where she was. Our music video will show how the singer tries to make her way back to this 'place' which we will connote with shots of her in somewhere peaceful in the day light such as in a forest, by a river or in a field. we will also portray her in the place where she doesn't fit as a busy city center where she struggles to get about which reflect the negativity of this place. During her travels as she tries to return home we will show shots of her also remembering the person who she loves by using showing her looking at a photograph of her and the person who she loves as she also associates this person with her home because in the lyrics we think that she is talking about an individual too.

Forest, country side, river, areas around Tamworth park
Tamworth Train station
Birmingham city centre

The singer will wear casual clothing in the music video

By Emily, Lana and Renya

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